I’ve started an indoor garden until we can plant the regular plants outside, we have already seeded the plants that will survive the cold outside.
Here are the numbers from last week:
37 Bush Beefsteak improved tomatoes
47 F1 Hybrid cherry tomatoes mixed
15 Roma tomatoes
180 Tiny Tim tomatoes
16 Cool breeze Cucumbers
7 Small black Zucchini
2 Pumpkins
1 Peanut
32 Asian Long Beans
2 Cabbages
20 Broccoli
20 Asparagus
5 Crimson Sweet Watermelon
I was taking them all outside every day and bringing them in at night, but since I’ve transplanted them into individual containers from the starting trays I’m now running 2 x 400W Metal Halide lights over then for 16 Hours a day.