Installing an I-Beam

I’d like to break this story into the days that I did them on, but I’m short on time and sleep. Instead I will post the pictures and give a brief explanation of each then go to bed, so here it goes.

I measured the I beam bolt spacing then drilled corresponding holes through the drywall with a fostner bit from the attic side.

I should have taken a side view picture. It sits flush against the drywall.

I winched the I-beam up with a hand winch that was bolted to a 2 X 10 that was screwed to the 6 trusses in the attic.

There’s Jake, he’s all ways talking. Here he’s asking for company to sleep with him.

Here’s Hanna, She was sitting on the door watching us eat supper.

I made and installed four doors so far, they look good. We need to stain and seal them yet, but I wanted to test fit them before finishing.

Here’s the other two, they are all made out of pine. I used the 2 X 4’s from the wooden scaffold to make the doors.

The raised center panel is made from 1.5″ wide X 1″ thick strips that were edge glued and plained to 3/4″ thick. The rails and styles were made from 1 solid piece of pine each that is 3 1/8″ wide and 3/4″ thick. The rails and styles fit together with a simple tongue and groove. I did buy a fancier router bit to make the doors with but we both decided that a nice thicker bold frame with a simple raised panel in the center is what we wanted.

We actually went to a cabinet store, looked at all the door samples that they had, and decided that this was the best looking style for our house. It’s easy to build as well. Although it was easy, it still took me a full day to make the first two doors. They’re starting to get faster now though


A mosquito just bit me on the underside of my foot, oh does it hurt, I can’t seem to scratch it. Anyways I got an I beam to make an overhead crane type thing with, Well I’m not sure what it’s called but I’ll put some pictures of it on here when I get it going. I welded 14 bolts to the topside of it, and I will run those straight through holed in the ceiling drywall where they will go through some angle iron or channel then a washer and nut. The pictures will explain it better. I also installed a few more cupboards.


I put up some shelving yesterday. It looks good.

We got rid or the apartment as of 12am today it’s not ours anymore. The garage is full of everything, we can use some shelves to put things on.

Sign of the covenent

I’ve had a sore shoulder – back – neck lately that causes me to get headaches. Well I’ve finally figured it out. It’s the cell phone. Holding your left hand to your ear for a thousand plus hours a month takes it’s toll. And thinking about it, I’m sure that I’m not the only one. Years ago you could only talk on the phone when you were corded to a wall, but now everyone talks non stop anywhere they go.

And now for the weather, It’s June and we have a frost warning, a couple of weeks ago we had snow. Today we had a fast moving thunderstorm pass through. I followed it as it headed east as I drove home. It wasn’t very exciting, I’ve seen lots better.

 After supper a small storm just went over us and left a large double rainbow to the East of us. I got a few pictures of it, in the pictures it looks like the area below the rainbow is brighter, and that is really how it was.