These are the dogs Makita and Malaya shown above, it seems the snow has left our yard and left us with a 6″ deep puddle surrounding the house, sorry I haven’t taken a picture of the puddle.
If you ever wondered if the bulkhead above the kitchen can hold weight, it can. I walk on it to paint, no creaking, it’s happy. Then there’s Jake, he likes to sleep with my boots, good job Jake.
Today I started to apply the sealing coat of Varathane to the pine that will surround the windows in the house it looks really good, I also stained the cabinet that will go above the fridge, The first coat of stain is shown here. I’m writing this as the stain is drying. I’m going to build doors for the cupboards after they are all done, right now we need somewhere to put stuff away in, Even if it’s not going to be it’s permanent place.