There’s been a few big changes around the house lately, We got some dogs, and I did some painting. Things are looking good.
Picture 1 shows the dog house we built for them, it took three or four hours. It was built where it stands, it’s 4′ X 4′ X 4′ plus a roof that’s a 6 / 12. It felt good to use the square to lay out rafters, it’s been a few years. I still want to build some skids to mount it on, and move it somewhere intelligent, and maybe put a flap over the door, oh, and I have shingles for it as well, well it’s still a work in progress but they live in it right now.
Picture 2, the dogs. Wanda named them, and well ummmm. I forget what their names are, one of them sounds like Makita like the drywall screw gun and my first drill so I’m calling her Makita, I think the other one’s named Malaya I donno, we’ll figure it out later when I can tell them apart, I call them puppies and they come. They are entirely white but the Jetta has a head gasket that leaks oil, and they go everywhere so they have black patches on themselves sometimes
Everything is painted white, but in the future we will decide what colors we want to paint it, but it was time to seal the walls and finish the dusty phase of building. We also have a chandelier. I didn’t know how high to hang it, well there it is.