Foxy new years eve

It was a calm new years eve, Steve came over and we ate a roast, and drank some expensive ice wine, that tastes exactly like the juice that you get when you boil dehydrated fruit to make that fruit desert. Well we had some of that fruit desert left from Christmas so we had some taste tests of homemade ice wine (fruit juice and vodka) and store bought wine. They taste about the same. We finished the night by playing the Wii and watching a movie. Happy new years everyone. Oh and I trapped a fox in my power snare that Wanda got me for Christmas. Wanda was pretty excited when she drove up the driveway and saw the fox i placed by the van.


Calvin, Mel, and their three kids came over for dinner, Wanda’s sister Sheryl and niece Rebecca are also here. The kids played Wii fit and we all had a good time.

Aaron’s Wedding

One of my best friends Aaron got married today, it was super. Aaron and Christy both looked great, and it was one of the best weddings I’ve been to. The only problem is that there wasn’t enough light for our camera to take good pictures, these were all digitally fixed, no problem though.

Power snares

I installed a door inside the entrance to the bathroom today, It didn’t take long, but it’s all I accomplished this evening. We’re trying to keep the house clean until Christmas is done. Speaking of Christmas, Wanda got some Ram power snares for me for Christmas, I’m going to trap a few Coyotes in our backyard, I can hear them howling at night, and they sound close. I got Wanda a Kitchen-aid mixer, the bowl lift type, it goes ok, I think she’ll like it. She knows about it already, she’s going to use it for Christmas baking, it seemed only fair to give it to her as I got what she bought me already.

Sorry I don’t have any new pictures, if your anything like me you probably don’t even read the comments, just look at the pictures, Well in that case I’m just typing incase your bored; then you’ll have something to read. And that said it’s 10:47pm here and I’m going to bed right after I upload this to the web server, Good night everyone.

Bath tub

We got the bathtub tiling done, and the shower working.

I was looking at antler mounts at the sports store, they’re cheap but look easy enough to make, well I decided to make some and as it ended up I just screwed the antlers to the wall in the garage. It looks ok