Building day 1

We started building our house today, and it was a rough start. We had a hard time getting a carpenter to work with us, a few were too expensive for us, one cancelled five days ago with family obligations, and the one who was going to help today couldn’t show up until tomorrow. As the story goes I knew it was going to be hard to find someone to help us so I bought a book, and I’m glad I did because it had all the knowledge that we needed to build. Ken and I laid out the first wall early in the morning and we all started building. I have to say we had a super crew, John from my work came, as well as my dad (Bryan), Ken (brought his tractor), Larry (Ken’s friend), Wanda, Jen, Tre, and Myself.

Everyone fell into place doing the job that fit them.

Wanda did the most of the cooking, We had coffee, tea, muffins, doughnuts, as a morning snack; followed by cheddar smokies, hamburgers, and homemade chili for afternoon lunch, and a third meal that I skipped the most of.

Ken worked alongside me, double checking my measurements and guiding me where I needed it, he did the framing, plus lot leveling, wall hoisting, and general laibor.

John and Larry worked the saw, they did an excellent job. I would bark out some measurements of what I wanted and they would cut or fabricate as necessary. I would say something like ” I need four headers 8 foot 6 inches long, built with 3  2X10’s spaced out to be flush when set into a 5.5 inch wall” and within a matter of minutes these fabricated parts would start showing up. These guys were great to work with, they produced quality stuff and I didn’t have to supervise them, just make a shopping list and they produces.

Jen helped Wanda with the food preparation, plus she helped bring and line up the lumber for nailing, she can do just as much as anyone else working today.

Tre kept us all happy, I’m sure he was cold and bored, but he was there with us the whole time. He got his hands on a hammer and he built himself a small helicopter out of wood, good doings Tre.

My dad brought us doughnuts, and most importantly drove back to our apartment to get the air nailer that I forgot. He’s an excellent help to have around, he did a bit of everything today, I had him standing walls, bringing lumber, setting up ladders, stabilizing walls. I asked him if he ever wished he built himself a house, after looking at the 18 foot tall wall he said, “no.” I don’t think the building fever has bit him yet, or maybe the 18 foot walls are too overwhelming.

Actually the 18 foot walls are overwhelming, the top of the grade beam is about five feet above ground level, that makes the top of the walls come to 23 feet high. To tell the truth, I’m scared to put the rafters up, it’s going to be stupid. We got half of the south wall (56 foot) built and standing today. Many thanks to all who helped today.