I keep thinking that it is Friday today, it feels like Friday. I got home from work to find the fire alarm on at the apartment building. It’s was rather noisy. We have a few false alarms every year, I went inside anyways, after a few minutes (15) they turned it off and I think an ambulance was called for an older couple. I’m not sure what the deal was, and I doubt that it will make the news.
We had the land surveyed a few days ago for elevation. It seems like we may have to build the spot for the house and garage seven feet before it is at the same level as the crown of the road. I may have to buy a large tractor with a push blade, or maybe an older truck with a dump box on it. I just have to find a truck that is small enough to not require a safety every year. We talked to our neighbors to the north who dug a large hole in their backyard to build up their house site. They said it had cost $8000 to dig the hole and haul the fill to the front. I’d rather buy the equipment and do it myself than pay someone else to do it. I can always sell the equipment when were done, or keep it to make a perfectly landscaped yard.
I had my Yeasu VX-5R on today, and heard that they did take two people from the apartment block away for smoke inhalation. Sounds like they will be ok. All is good, and it’s time for a fudgsicle.