Garden time

The garden is on it’s way, it might be somewhat late to plant a few things but they should do ok. We have two types of water melon, cabbage, beans, peas, kohl rabi, spinach, turnip, peanuts, garlic chives, two kinds of beets, cantaloupe, onions, three kinds of lettuce, zucchini, two kinds of corn, potatoes, and brussel sprouts. The plants I like the most are the perennials we planted last year (strawberries, and asparagus), Wanda also has a rhubarb plant she got from her dad that we are excited about. It may seem like a lot, and it is, but I will probably end up getting some tomatoes, and everything else that I see at the greenhouse. I never know when to stop when it comes to planting the garden. I’m going to run the offset disks over a large section for the garden today. I’ve disked it last week, but it had ten year old sod and weeds growing on it, it could use some more working.